The First Step is Writing it Down

I found myself struggling to balance the emotion that was flooding my brain. I had a myriad of emotions pushing and pulling me in every direction. I was overwhelmed by all the things I had to do and wasn’t sure where to get started. Then I heard this voice… the voice of my late mother saying “Darneesha, you need to write it down!” Now this was true for the tasks that I seemed to always forget, but then I pondered on those words.

How much better would my emotional management be if I simply documented how I was feeling that day? Would I be in a better place to self reflect? Would I feel even more anxiety about having to express my feelings, even if it were on paper?

However I found that journaling allowed me to explore my emotions and come up with new coping skills. I was also quite surprised by what I had written down in the pages of my journal, like my need to “keep up with the jones’”. This revelation aided in altering my relationship with money and how I spend it (a blog post for another time!). The journaling experience has been worth taking time for and has cleared the way for self-reflection on a much deeper level.

Journaling is a great way to organize your thoughts and emotions. You can use it as an outlet or just for fun! Journal about anything from what you are grateful for to how angry work makes you feel.

Journaling has been proven to work to:

  • Aids in problem solving

  • Assists in working through and tracking your emotions

  • Reduces stress

  • Functions as a coping mechanism

  • Mood boosting

  • Improves writing skills

I find that prompts help me to better organize my thoughts and are a powerful tool to help me dig deeper into my mind, emotions, goals, and the desires of my heart. As I have begun this journey to luxury motherhood, I am acknowledging the areas that require improvement, and patting myself on the back for areas where I have shown growth.

If you are looking for a way to manage your emotions, reflect on your day-to-day experiences, or attain your goals, journaling might be a fun and rewarding experience that helps you grow as an individual. And don’t worry if you think you “can’t write.” The beauty of journaling is that it can be as simple or complex as you make it. All that matters is that you take the time to explore and document your thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

Check out the shop for the Daily Journal - an easy way to get started with guided prompts and layouts specifically designed for busy moms. I hope this post has inspired you to give journaling a try!

Visit @luxemotherhood on Instagram to share some was journaling has changed your outlook!

Journal writing is a voyage to the interior.
— Christina Baldwin

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