Embracing Single Motherhood


Becoming a single mother was not something I ever imagined happening to me. It was never part of my plan, and it definitely took me by surprise. But here I am, a single mom living in a world that often seems like it's against me. So how did this happen? Well, let me tell you my story...

When I found out I was pregnant, it was at the very start of quarantine here in DC. I was maybe a week into lockdown when something told me to take a pregnancy test. It wasn’t as if I had any particular feeling, but I had this little voice in the back of my mind instructing me to take a test.

Waiting those 5 minutes for the results felt like an eternity. However, sure enough, there were two lines on this test… My heart fell to my stomach, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I was pregnant!

Wow… never thought this would happen to me. I honestly thought I had fertility issues and would simply cross that bridge when I was actually in the family planning stage. It was never a question of my next steps, I simply jumped into ‘mommy mode’.

I knew early on I would embark on this journey alone, and I was fine with that. I was scared about my ability to do it all on my own, but I welcomed this new chapter of my life with open arms.

My beautiful baby boy was born December 2020 and life has been… interesting!

I am growing and learning everyday. Learning about my son and learning about myself. I soon realized I was falling into a depressive and anxiety filled place. I was overwhelmed with finances, body recovery, keeping my baby alive, jumping back into work, and simply existing. I knew I had to do something quick if I wanted to pull myself out of this rut.

I began making goals and focusing on them. It felt as if I were taking on a project that could help distract me from all of the negative thoughts that often flooded my brain. I decided I would focus on my finances and position myself to purchase a home by the end on 2022 and I also began journaling. Journaling was a release for me and aided in coping with all of the emotions that flooded my brain on a daily basis.

As I moved deeper into the emotional and financial cleanse, I realized that there are probably other single mothers out there facing the same troubles. I had never truly been taught how to create a budget, save for a rainy day or how not to be in a place where I have to “rob Peter to pay Paul”.

I happened to be lost in one of my scrolling sessions on TikTok and came across #blackgirlluxury. I was so taken by this trend and also felt slightly slighted because how on Earth can I obtain this dream lifestyle as a single mother? This question in turn birthed Luxe Motherhood.

I am determined to show that even as a single mother, you can live a life of luxury, and that luxury is defined by you! However, I am claiming my luxury lifestyle through proper financial handling. I hope that through this blog I can show other young, single mothers how to get a better grip on their finances, how to be resourceful, and how to make the life you want to live!

I am so glad to have you here and I hope that together we can acquire the desires of our heart.

Visit @LuxeMotherhood on Instagram and share how creating a budget and sticking to it would help you!


The First Step is Writing it Down